Thursday, February 10, 2011


I am sitting here looking at a calendar and am in awe that we are almost 1/2 through February. I'm very excited for March to be here b/c we'll find out what we're having. :)
But looking at the calendar I realized that Valentine's Day is almost here. I don't really care for that day, it's not that big deal for me. But it's nice to get chocolate and flowers. lol We have no plans to do anything, and we never go out on the 14th, we always go out another day. I'm thinking of just cooking a nice meal for us on Monday. Right now I'm thinking of getting Steaks and grilling them. Not sure what sides I'd cook, any suggestions??

1 comment:

  1. What about twice baked potatoes? Or fettucini alfredo - that's fast and easy. :)
