Wow I can't believe this past week we hit the 16 week mark. This pregnancy is going by SO much faster than my first. It seems like just yesterday we found out. This time it took us a lot longer to get pregnant than the first. The first pregnancy happened the first month we tried. lol this one took 6 months, and it was really hard not to get frustrated, but I knew it would happen in God's timing. The month I finally accepted that God may not have a baby in store for us anytime soon, I got pregnant. lol Now, after 6 months of trying, I always knew that I wasn't pregnant.
When December rolled around, I kept hoping I'd be pregnant b/c it'd be a fun Christmas "gift" to give our family. I imagined telling everyone about our new addition as we opened gifts... But deep down, I "knew" it wouldn't happen, so I didn't get my hopes up. That time of the month came, and I was extremely emotional and hormonal, like always. But several days went by and nothing. Now I "knew" I was not pregnant, but I needed proof, so I took a pregnancy test. I had my proof, the test was negative. But I was still late, and getting annoyed b/c I just wanted a new cycle to start so we could try again... Alas, a week went by. My husband kept telling me to take another test. I kept saying no, it was a waste of money b/c I KNEW that I was not pregnant. So on a Thursday morning, I decided to take a test, because I wanted to prove my husband wrong. And as it turned out, I was wrong. Ha! When I saw those 2 little lines I was in SHOCK! I couldn't believe it. I ran out of the bathroom and showed my husband, his response "I told you". We hugged and told our daughter that she'd be a big sister. :) Now, we found out Dec 9th, I then told my husband that we would not tell anyone until Christmas, now we are horrible secret keepers. lol I had to wait 2 more weeks to see my doctor and still I did not believe I was pregnant until I saw that little heartbeat. :)
As it turns out, we were able to keep the secret, even though my daughter ratted us out to both my parents. Thankfully she's only 2 and is still learning to talk, so they couldn't really understand her, even though I knew what she was saying. lol So when my parents asked what she said, I lied and said I had no idea. lol We gave both our moms a framed ultrasound picture for Christmas. My parents were so excited!! My twin sister grabbed me and sobbed. It was a very exciting day.
So now, here we are at 16 weeks, waiting 2 more weeks to find out if it's a baby brother or sister. According to our toddler,it's a baby sister. For whatever reason, she refuses to accept that it could be a brother. lol I keep telling her, we'll see....