Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Have you "met" 2kute?! She is a fellow etsian and also my mom! She is a very talented person. She used to be a full time nurse, until a horrible disease attacked her body, leaving her no choice but to quit her job. After numerous misdiagnosis by several doctors, it was discovered that she has ibromyalgia. She was diagnosed several years ago and has progressively gotten worse. The doctors are at a loss and say that nothing else can be done. 2kute lives in Florida, and the heat makes her disease even worse, causing her to be stuck at home because it's much too hot for her to be out. As soon as she steps outside, her body swells up. I have witnessed this firsthand. My twin sister and I do what we can to help her, like cleaning her house or cooking and baking for her at times. She had been having AC issues in her house (trust me when I say this, her house is a sauna) and when the technician came out, he told my parents that it will cost $2,000 to replace the indoor unit. It has to be replaced for the house to cool down. Now you're thinking, "that's not a lot of money"... 2kute is not able to work, and has been denied disability. Her husband is self employed and is doing the best he can to make money to pay the bills. It is very hard as their daughter to sit by and watch them struggle and not be able to help them. It's hard to go visit them and start sweating after 5 minutes of sitting in their living room and know that now even being at home is a hindrance to my mother. I say all this to ask if you or someone you know can help. A fellow etsian of 2kute's, along with my sister have started a blog to help 2kute. Check it out here for more info.
Thanks for listening!!!!

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